The imagery you will enjoy in our book is the result of literally thousands of of miles of human powered exploration in the mountains over many hundreds of days. We chose the 55 photographers simply because they were the best and the most talented in difficult conditions and all have an amazing eye for the core alpine aesthetic. We thank them. If you like what you see contact them for a signed print:
Abegg, Steph sites.google.com/site/stephabegg/home
Ankeny, Chris chrisankeny.com
Barker,Adam adambarkerphotography.com
Beidleman, Neal nealb@rof.net
Bracken, James shredgarr@hotmail.com
Burrows, Art aburrows@ajaxdesign.com
Chin, Jimmy jimmychin.com
Clark, Adam adamclarkphoto.com
Costain, Pete costain@centurytel.net
Davenport, Chris steepskiing.com
Dawson, Lou wildsnow.com
Devore, Nick nicholasdevore@gmail.com
Diaz, Cindy cindydiaz.com
Erickson, Kristoffer kristoffererickson.com
Franson, Greg bluebirdguides.com
Figenshau, Chris figenshau.com
Flagg, Keoki gallerykeoki.com
Focus Photo eric.focus@bresnan.net
Fyans, Clark clarkski3@gmail.com
Glick, Lorne lornglick@gmail.com
Hallman, Richard richard@freelanceimaging.com
Hazen, Bissel bissellhazen.com
Hill, Greg greghill.ca
Homberger, Ruedi fotohomberger.ch
Jesperson, Matt mjesperson@mac.com
Jungen, Troy Troyjungen@uniserve.com
Korvola, Heath heathkorvola.com
Leidecker, Matt mattlphoto.com
Mahon, Ted tedmahon.com
Mallory, Linden linden.mallory@gmail.com
Manley, Jordan jordan.manley.com
Markewitz, Scott scottmarkewitz.com
McLean, Andrew straightchuter.com
Newhard, Penn backbonemedia.net
Ogden, Jared jaredogden.com
Olson, Jennifer jen@jenolson.ca
Pehota, Eric ericpehota@shaw.ca
Pondella, Christian christianpondella.com
Post, Brian brianpostphoto.com
Quinn, Kevin alaskaheliski.com
Richardson, Whit whitrichardson.com
Scott, Chic chicscott.com
Scurlock, John mountainphotographer.com/john-scurlock
Selkowitz, Jonathan selkophoto.com
Skoog, Carl alpenglow.org
Skoog, Lowell alpenglow.org
Sprieceniks, Ptor skiherenow@yahoo.com
Stoecklein, Drew drsphoto.net
Synnott, Mark marksynnott.com
Walsh, Jon alpinestyle.ca
Washburn, Brad decaneasarchive.com
Werme, John dwerme@gmail.com
Wexler, Andrew globalalpine.com
Wigley, Alex skitheory.blogspot.com
Wissman, Will willwissman.com

Because of the extraordinary geographic scope of 50 Classics we asked 14 friends to contribute with 14 unique perspectives. Our contributors describe each unique and vast region to define the key lines, tours, successes and sometimes failures, the anticipation, fear and in many instances, the first remarkable descents. They are all superbly skilled, well traveled and we are most grateful for their contribution to the knowledge base as well as for their will to go further than anyone else had before them. They include;
Hilaree O'Neill
Chris Davenport
Lou Dawson
Andrew McLean
Jimmy Chin
Pete Patterson
Kristoffer Erickson
Glen Plake
Lowell Skoog
Mark Synnott
Ptor Spricenieks
Greg Hill
Kevin Quinn
Eric Pehota